Final presentation
Open Space
Fall VACATION workshop

Sat 26.10.24, 12:00
Cooperation project for children and young people
BOB CAMPUS @PINA BAUSCH ZENTRUM in cooperation with Dunua e.V.
How do people get into storytelling and who listens to them? Which (life) stories are heard and which voices are drowned out? How do we give space to those who are often rendered speechless? And how can we reinvent storytelling as an age-old custom between people?
In the autumn holidays there will be a special workshop in the theatre from 21.–26.10.24, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
The children will work together on a performance that will be presented at the end of the workshop. We cordially invite you to join us!
When: Saturday, 26.10., 12 pm
Where: Pina Bausch Zentrum under construction, Bundesallee 260, 42103 Wuppertal
The painter, dancer and choreographer Milton Camilo, the media artist Nara Bak and other artists will lead the workshop and enable an encounter with different media and art forms. The workshop is organized by the Pina Bausch Centre, BOB Campus and Dunua e.V.
Who is who?
Das Pina Bausch Zentrum under construction bereitet die Zukunft vor – eine neue Kunst- und Kultureinrichtung für das 21. Jahrhundert. Bis zur Eröffnung gibt es bereits verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Projekte, vernetzt mit den Menschen und Akteuren der Stadt. Das Pina Bausch Zentrum koordiniert das Gesamtprojekt.
The Pina Bausch Centre under construction is preparing the future - a new art and cultural institution for the 21st century. Until the opening, various events and projects are already taking place, networked with the people and actors of the city. The Pina Bausch Centre is coordinating the overall project.
The BOB CAMPUS – urban neighborhood in Wuppertal Oberbarmen is a new location on the site of a former textile factory. Last year, we had the opportunity to get to know, dance and play on the neighborhood floor of the BOB CAMPUS.
Dunua e.V. is a non-profit migrant self-organization that campaigns for cosmopolitanism, justice, solidarity, cultural education and environmental awareness. Dunua is involved in OPEN SPACE and involves as many different young people as possible and make them feel at home at BOB CAMPUS.
The "OPEN SPACE" project is funded by "Zur Bühne", the funding program of the German Stage Association as part of "Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.