Dance and sustainability at FRAGILE 2024 – Pina Bausch Zentrum under construction #6
Wuppertal, 10 October 2024: Thirteen days, eleven productions, 24 performances, a diverse audience of all generations, equality across all participants and team, biotopes from the Amazon to the Wadden Sea. FRAGILE 2024, the international festival for sustainability and art, ended in Wuppertal on October 6, 2024. FRAGILE was filled with joyful moments, thrilling performances, artists from diverse cultural backgrounds., a togetherness of generations, lots of movement and encounters. What happens when people aged 4 to 75 venture into the unknown with Kate McIntosh or passionately dance Krump with Tanzkomplizen? FRAGILE is the first and only festival in Germany and internationally that tackles climate change, economic reform, and social sustainability through dance and performance. The aim is to encourage people to take action.
TANZKOMPLIZEN / Janne Gregor / Ich kann’s nicht lassen / © René Löffler